High Holy Days
5785 / 2024
Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Wednesday, October 2nd
Yom Kippur begins at sundown on Friday, October 11th
High Holy Day Service Schedule
Join us for High Holy Day services this year! From Selichot on Saturday, September 28th through Simchat Torah on Wednesday, October 23rd, there are many opportunities for you to join us in celebrating the holidays together.
This year we will be offering two ways to join us for the High Holy Day services. We will be offering services in our sanctuary, as well as live streaming through our Facebook page for those that are unable to attend in person.
Services and Seating Policy
Full memberships include high holiday seats so please renew your membership prior to the start of the holidays. As we did last year, we are only offering unreserved seating this year so people can choose to physically distance themselves if they are more comfortable doing so. We will not be mailing tickets. All seat selections will be handled upon entrance to Beth Israel.
All dependents of members of the congregation are entitled to High Holy Day seats at no additional charge. Anyone under the age of 30 who graduated from Beth Israel’s Religious School may have a High Holy Day ticket for him/herself at no cost. Friends of Beth Israel, contact the front office at biccacct@gmail.com to reserve a seat.
Members in good standing may purchase extra seats for their family and friends using the form below. Any additional seat request is valid for all High Holy Day services.
Yizkor Scroll
The Beth Israel 5785 Yizkor Scroll provides a way to memorialize your loved ones and lists the names of all those remembered by Beth Israel families. Reading the names in the Yizkor Scroll during the service, we can all share our memories as one congregational family. This year our Yizkor Book will be virtual only with an online scroll of entries.
Click the button below to access the 5785 Yizkor Scroll of Remembrance. From this page, you can go to the form to add your names to this year's virtual scroll and make your donation. You will be able to memorialize your loved ones online until Monday, October 7th. The Board of Directors suggests a minimum contribution of $36 for every five names you wish to include in the book.
Break the Fast
We will once again be holding a Break the Fast at Beth Israel! Join us on Saturday, October 12th immediately after the sounding of the shofar at approximately 7:15 pm. Click here for details!
High Holy Day Food Drive
Once again, Beth Israel will be participating in a food drive to benefit local people in need. Your participation is essential to make this effort successful “because no one should go hungry.”

Here’s how you can help! Donate any unexpired, non-perishable foods such as canned tuna, canned chicken, sardines, pasta, peanut butter, pasta/noodles, jelly, jam, spaghetti sauce, soups, canned fruit, canned vegetables, rice, cereal, baby food, and dried beans. Please bring your donations to Beth Israel Congregation of Chester County between September 1st and October 11th (there will be a donation box near the front doors of the synagogue.) If you don’t have time to shop, feel free to donate a grocery gift card or make a monetary contribution. Every little bit helps.